In a previous post for my illustration brief I recreated one of Jason Brooks illustrations, my tutors told me that I could use this in my portfolio and suggested I do another recreation so it makes a pair.
I decided to recreate one Joseph McDermott's comic illustrations as its a completely different style of illustration and I thought creating the same look would be a challenge and a great new skill to learn.
Here is Joseph McDermott's original illustration
And here is my recreation, looking back there are a lot of small things I could touch up but from a distance its probably not noticeable, my dots are also a little smaller than the original which is why she looks a little paler in my recreation (that's quite annoying for my eyes!)
Not too bad for half a days worth of work!
My final sheet to go in my portfolio. I am pretty happy with my second recreation, of course if I had the time or patience I would go back and fix it here and there however those dots are eventually going to do my nut in!
But I did learn a new skill and a new piece for my portfolio.
Thanks for reading!! What do you think of my recreation? Could it pass for a Joseph McDermott?
Jenny xxx